The three leading factors contributing to these fires are failure to clean the chimney, combustibles too close to the heat source, and faulty installations.

Chimney fire can cause a lot of damage, but they are also very preventable.  Taking the following steps can reduce your risk of having a chimney fire:

  • Clean chimneys or have them cleaned by a qualified professional at least once a year.  The Sheridan Fire District has brushes for cleaning chimneys that we would be happy to loan to you if you choose to do it yourself.
  • Burn only dry, seasoned wood.  It creates less buildup in the chimney.
  • Start the fire with newspaper, kindling, or fire starters.  Never use any kind of flammable liquid to start a fire.
  • Have a sturdy metal screen or tempered glass on a fireplace to keep sparks from escaping.
  • Dispose of coals and ash only after they are cool, which can be as long as 3-5 days.
  • Never place used coals or ash in a paper or plastic container.

With a little work now, your woodstove can safely keep your home warm through the winter.